Projekte und Projektbeteiligungen

Hotel Development – Project Focusing on Cancer Patients (Germany). 2023.

SHR Group Bad Gleichenberg (Austria). Medical Hotel Development. 2022.

Bad Tatzmannsdorf (Austria). Choosing a Future Strategy. 2022.

Developing and Comparing Economic Key Figures in a Tourist Region (Austria). 2021.

Thermal Spring Spa Bad Radkersburg (Austria). Marketing the Mineral Waters. (2017).

Steigenberger AG: Medical Concept for a Hotel in Switzerland. 2017.

Working Group (Cyprus). Developing a Center for Patients with Respiratory Diseases in Kyperounda. 2016.

European Health and Spa Award (Austria). Jury Leader since 2016 (ongoing).

Hotel Saliterhof (Austria): Transform a Hotel Into a Medical Hotel. 2015.

Hotel Andreas & Melani (Cyprus): Including Health and Rehabilitation as New Strategy. 2014.

TÜV Austria: Development of a New and Certifiable Quality Standard for Hotels called "Service Excellence". 2014.

Lanserhof (Lans, Austria): Establishing Process Management as Part of the Quality Management. 2014.

Hotel Schwarz Alm (Zwettl, Austria): Expansion Plan for the Spa. 2014.

Hotel Althof in Retz (Austria). Supporting the Management Towards a New Strategy. 2013.

Vinzenz-Gruppe: Kurhaus Marienkron (Austria): Future Vision and Strategy. 2013.

Lanserhof (Lans, Austria): Installing a Quality Management System. 2013.

Lanserhof (Lans, Austria): Inventory of the Quality Management. 2012.

Mr. Träger (Austria): All About a Spiritual Hotel. 2012.

EU Erasmus-Programme: Weldest and How to Develop a Health Region. 2012-2014.

Hotel Schloss Leonstain, Pörtschach/Wörthersee (Austria): Developing Hotel & Health. 2012.

Local Marketing Agency Tirol (Austria): Expert Report – Assessment of aNew Professorship for Tourism and Leisure Sciences. 2011.

Research Funding COIN (Austria): Use of Thermal Water, "GeoHealth". 2009.

Municipality St. Johann am Tauern (Austria): Developing a Masterplan for Tourism and Health. 2009.

Research Funding COIN (Austria): Developing a Quality Label for Health Regions "Regiosana". 2009.

Hotel Werzers (Wörthersee, Austria). The Old Bath House – In Need of a New Idea. 2008.

EU Erasmus-Programme ILIS: Innovations and Learning in Spa-Management. 2008.

Municipality Großklein (Austria): Feasibility for a Healthcenter. 2008.

IBB Dresden (Germany): Scientific Advisor in "Lebenslanges Lernen Leonardo da Vinci Transfer von Innovationen". 2007.

IBB Dresden (Germany): Staff Qualification: "Kompetenzbedarfe personenbezogener Dienstleistungen im Fokus der Qualitätsentwicklung in der Gesundheits- und Wellnessbranche". 2007.

Parkhotel Bayersoien (Germany): The Spa and Its Future – How to Reach the Break Even. 2007.

GEA-College (Ljubljana, Slovenia): Consulting and Developing New Study Courses. 2007

Working Group Archipol Architects Handler (Austria): Pre-Investment Study Thermal Spring Spa and Hotel in Hódmezovásárhely (Hungary). 2007.

MAS Association Bad Ischl (Austria): What Needs a Hotel If it Wants to Welcome Alzheimer Patients. 2006.

Erzherzog Johann Weine, Lagerhaus Gleinstätten-Ehrenhausen-Wies (Austria): The Potential of Wine for a Tourist Product. 2006.

Ingenos Ziviltechniker GmbH (Austria): "Thermodulor": Economic Key Figures of Thermal Spring Spa, Medical Spa, and Clinics. 2006.

Tourism Association Krakautal (Austria): How to Develop Health Tourism? 2005.

County of Styria (Austria): Feasibility Thermal Spring Spa Allerheiligen. 2005.

Hotel Vila Astra (Lovran, Croatia). Spa Development Concept. 2005.

Premedion GmbH (Germany): Expert Report – Private Payer Health Care Market. 2005.

Porr (Austria): Therapeutical Concept for the Thermal Spring Spa Allerheiligen (Mürztal). 2005.

Saline Bad Sassendorf (Germay): Rehabilitation Clinic Quellenhof and Self-Pyers. Does it Work? 2005.

gfa GmbH (Graz, Austria), Region Z: Mission Statement Health and Culture, Ausseerland-Salzkammergut. 2005.

ghh Consult (Wiesbaden, GTZ (Eschborn): Tourism Strategy Bulgaria. 2005.

Gesundheitsagentur NRW (Bad Sassendorf): Success factors for Self-Payers in Rehabilitation Clinics. 2005.

Inoges AG (Krefeld): The New Ambulatory in Krefeld - Self-Payer-Strategy. 2004.

Saline Bad Sassendorf GmbH (Bad Sassendorf): Strategy Paper, “Medical Wellness Region”, Including the Health Resorts Bad Sassendorf, Bad Waldliesborn and Bad Westernkotten. 2004.

Therme Bad Gleichenberg (Austria): Sauna Concept for the New Thermal Spring Spa. 2004.

Marienhospital Papenburg (Germany): Increase of the Number of Self-Payers. 2004.

Regional Management Nordhessen (Kassel, Germany): Process Support as Part ofthe Project „Medical Wellness-Region“. 2004.

Tourism Association Sächsischer Forst - Tharandter Wald (Tharand, Germany): Destination Development "Naturnah relaxen, Kultur und Tradition im ländlichen Raum erleben - Förderung des Gesundheitstourismus zwischen Weißeritz und Elbe". 2003.

Hotel Dobroudja, Kurzentrum Medika-Albena AG (Albena, Bulgaria): Analysis and Improvement of Service Quality. 2003.

ghh Consult (Wiesbaden, Germany), Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ, Eschborn): Tourism Development Albania. 2003.

ghh Consult (Wiesbaden, Germany) and Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ, Eschborn): Tourism Development Serbia. 2003.

Schüchtermann Schiller'sche Kliniken (Bad Rothenfelde, Germany): Potential for Medical Tourism in Spain with Special Focus on Cardiovascular Diseases. 2002.

ghh Consult & Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (Wiesbaden, Eschborn): Tourism Development in Bulgaria With Special Attention To Thermal Spring Spas. 2001.

International Business School (Bad Homburg, Germany): Development and Management ofthe Study Course Tourism. 1999.

Wismut (Chemnitz, Germany): Tourism Development of Ronneburg and its Region as Part of the Expo 2000. 1999.
Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft (Berlin, Germany): Management of a Study Group Travelling to Indonesia, Island of Komodo – Visitor Guidance in Dangerous Nature. 1998.

Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Berlin, Germany): How to Increase the Number of Visitors. 1994.
